Thursday 3 May 2012

Blog or Journal

LO: to compare two types of diary writing 

Task: Compare Princess Victoria’s journal extracts with Princess Iyomon’s blogs

What style is each one written in?
What sort of language is used?
What is the same about both logs?
What is different about them?
What do you like about each one?
What do you find challenging about each one?
Which do you prefer and why?

L.O. To compare two types of diary writing.
We are comparing the log of Victoria and Princess Iyommon, Victoria’s diary was rewritten by her daughter Princess Beatrice by her mother’s strict instructions.
·        Princess Victoria’s journal is formal (as if she was writing a letter) whereas princess Iyommons blog is informal and chatty (as if she was writing to a friend).

·        Princess Victoria was writing her life in chronological order on the other hand Princess Iyommon was writing the major events as it went by.

·        Both Princess Iyommon and Princess Victoria had their diary/journal written on verbal or non-verbal information.

·        Both logs are about very old events and automatically corrected by computer, as they are too precious to be handled by the public

One cannot select between two such great works as they are both very high in quality and quantity. For instance:

·        Victoria’s diary includes: her visit to Charlton Manor and her subjects, such as: Lady Caroline, Lady Mary, and Lady Anne. And her experiences when she was on her way to her coronation and her emotions as she slowly ambled to the robbing room also her feelings as she saw all the people who turned out to see her.

·        Iyomon’s blogs described all the big events that took place such as: when she visited her maternal granddad: all her aunties and uncles as they picked her up and their delighted faces at how heavy she was.

·        Overall I like Princess Iyommons as it is easy to relate to and is easily understandable; however, I also like princess Victoria’s explanations about her uncle’s death and the way she wrote about all the formalities she had to follow during her coronation.

·        It is of the hardest decision to select between the two but nevertheless I choose Princess Victoria because of the structure, language and wise choice of words; it may not be easy to understand but it is perfect for all types of writing, consequently giving Victoria a notch up against Iyomon.

Lesson evaluation: I enjoyed this lesson very much; it needed a lot of imaginitivi­ty J By KK
Teacher feedback: Wow, what can I say to this? Great, great, great!

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